UPDATE!!! Game has been released!! So, time to update the list below.
So, I have been tracking items and creating a list (which includes some wishes) that I hope to see fixed or not touched when the game is released. Again, this is my list I created while I have been playing the Beta. (Xbox - Operation Metro). I will also put this on my blog so when the game is released, I can cross-reference it to see how it shapes up. NOTE: I know this is an old build. I know the good folks at DICE will fix things. I KNOW alot of this is reported but hey, They asked and here is my input. Albeit animated but that is just how I am. What can I say, Battlefield liked what I have written in the past.
So, here is the BETA Intro Video for #BF3 (Battlefield 3)
BF3Beta List of glitches I HOPE They fix or don't touch for final release: (XBox - Operation Metro)
- IN GAME MUTE!!! PLEASE oh PLEASE let us mute stupid d-bag players or players with the TV's on, dogs barking, kids screaming, wives or moms yelling, etc. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Better Squad management. - FIXED
- Game Menu seems blown out. Too big. - NOT CHANGED
- Exit game ANYWHERE at ANYTIME, not just while in game and weapons selected. - NOT CHANGED
- Proper Gun Balance - UMP feels too MW2ish (WAY Over Powered) - UNTESTED
- Blue Screen of darkness! - FIXED
- Flashing Screen when you look different ways. - STILL HAPPENS
- Fill in the QUICK SAND areas with concrete. (Under The Map glitch) - FIXED
- Animations of dropping equipment. (Mobile Spawn, T-UGS, EOD Bot, etc.) - FIXED
- Proper function of equipment. i.e. Mobile Spawn should re-spawn me the way I was looking when I dropped it. Not turned around. - UNTESTED
- Magnetized bushes that like frags. (If I am in a bush, they stick to the leaves right next to me and KABOOM I am dead.) Should have a message "KILLED BY BUSH" haha get it? ahh never mind. - FIXED
- In Game Reporting - Hackers, boosters, etc. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Missing animations of reloading at times. - STILL OCCURS
- Weird Worm Crawling Soldiers . FREAKY!!! - FIXED
- Bug eyed Soldiers - AGAIN FREAKY!! - FIXED
- Better Spawn AI - Feels too much like MOH - Put a rock in the way or something. - SO FAR SO GOOD
- Better Balance with Noobs - Damage to More stuff. Decent damage when shot at players. Not too overpowerful. - UNTESTED
- DONT CHANGE THE MCOM Arming and disarming functions. (i.e. Even thought timer is expired, I can still defuse if I started defusing before it went off) - TESTING
- Mysterious Smokie (apparently residual from RPG or SMAW) - STILL OCCURS
- EOD Bot Drivability. I know, I said it. It is very hard to control when controller sensitivity is high. - UNTESTED
- Controller Sensitivity!! YAY!! You fixed it from BFBC2!! Don't change! - IN FINAL!! YAY!
- Knifing of glass is delayed and very chinsy. Meaning I felt like I just broke the thinnest piece of glass in the world. BORING - IS BETTER BUT COULD USE MORE TWEAKING
- All lights should be made to be damageable. Make sense? Is that a word? Anyway, TAC LIGHT BATTLES!!!!! - TESTING
- Grenade balance seems good. Don't change it. - IN FINAL!!
- Hit registers sway a lot at times. - TESTING
- Back up the Kill cam a bit so we don't see inside of the enemies or have to stare at their scrotums.. or make the guy who killed you look like Scarlett Johansson. - SO FAR SO GOOD
- No parachutes in Beta? - IN FINAL
- Suspense music so you know that you are almost done. Very cool. DON'T TAKE OUT.. Just fix to make consistent. - FIXED BUT NEEDS TO BE LOUDER A BIT
- Mysterious Black rods/walls come off of players. - FIXED
- Swapping weapons allows for rapid reloading. FIX! - TESTING
- Anti-Laser/Tac Light glasses? Maybe? "I wear my sunglasses in the tunnel..." sing it with me! - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Audio Sync issues. Charges planted/defused is not synced with audio stating it. - FIXED
- Sprint. Fix. - TESTING
- Change Class in game. "Will change when spawn" - Would be nice. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Uniforms - Need to be slighty more distinct. I can only imagine Hard core Blue Falcons! - UNTESTED
- Reviving!! - I shouldn't have to lie on the ground to defib. And multiple times. Fix. - FIXED
- When Vaulting over objects, sometimes the character looks immediately to the ground after. - FIXED
- Med paks and Ammos bags break tile walls and other things that should be damaged by them. - FIXED
- Double animation of med/ammo bags being thrown. - FIXED
- Bi-Pods view is weird. Fix. - FIXED
- Bi-Pods don't always work properly. Fix. - FIXED
- Knifing doesn't always work. Took me 8 times. Yes 8 times to finally to get it to register. That guy sucked he should have killed me. :-) - FIXED
- Ranking. It is good. Keeps you playing as it is not as long as #BFBC2 was to rank up. - IN FINAL - YES!!
- Prestiging gets you what? Is it actually called Prestiging? - ?????????
- Spot Arrows - Too high - SEEMS TWEAKED - STILL TESTING
- Team names - too high. - SEEMS TWEAKED - STILL TESTING
- 100 tickets for attackers. PERFECT! -YOU CHANGED TO 75??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
- No cooking of Grenades? FIX please. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- I know I said this.. MORE DESTRUCTION PLEASE!!! - IN FINAL
- Tac lights - PERFECT! - IN FINAL
- Laser sights - PERFECT! - IN FINAL
- Detached barrels, magazines and other objects float above player. - FIXED
- Random button pop ups on screen. "HOLD X TO RELOAD" , "HOOLD B ARM", etc. - FIXED
- Quicker change to side arm. - TESTING
- More Game Options - Search and Destroy, FFA, Something unique like COD's wager matches. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Deploy isn't working AGAIN.. it was broke in #BFBC2, broke in MOH and now it appears to be broke in BF3. Takes 3 times to hit it to actually deploy. (AKA, START FIGHTING!) - FIXED
- Smoke - Should last another second or so. But MUCH MUCH better than MOH - UNTESTED
- Random silenced constant firing sound when near friendlies. Kinda funky. Makes me want to beat box. - FIXED
- Tac lights shine through walls and floors. - FIXED
- After sprinting and running into an object. I cannot resume sprint. I have to STOP then start sprinting again. - UNTESTED
- No wookies?!?!?! SAD FACE - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- I know it is COD, but can we have camos? Even basic ones? Just something that is cool. - CAMOS ARE IN FINAL!
- Optics: Red Dots are too bright. (Maybe something to adjust the brightness of them?) - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- No YouTube integration??? Come on really? Even racing games have it. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
- NO DINOSAURS!!!!?!?!?!?! - Bummer.
BATTLELOG: Clicking on weapons goes to 404 page. - FIXED
BATTLELOG: Real Time updating. Not after game. (Game crashing) - TESTING
BATTELOG: Easier Way to get to Stats. - NOT CHANGED - STILL SMALL LINK
BATTLELOG: Competitions? Prizes? Anything coming like that? Just a hope. - NOT IMPLEMENTED
BATTLELOG: Chose a female avatar? I want a hot one to look at. (You get my point though) - NOPE
BATTLELOG: Rolling over Weapon or Equipment images, have a pop up of larger image. I want to see the cool guns!!! - FIXED - KIND OF... HAVE TO CLICK ON IT TO GET TO WEAPON DETAIL
BATTLELOG: Videos of Weapons? Please? - NOT IMPLEMENTED
BATTLELOG: Tactics on how to get certain medals. like load outs, class to use, etc. (BASIC TRAINING) - NOT IMPLEMENTED
BATTLELOG: Option to purchase REAL dog tags based on what you have. HINT HINT, money making opportunity here! - WAITING
Raptor Claw 141 Out
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